Thursday, 12 December 2013

I've done a lot of stuff lately

Hey!  :))  I've had excellent weeks.
I have thought about doing a surprise project for my school mates and the staff there. I started it last weekend :3
I wanted to give them something abstract and give them a true Christmas feeling. So I planned it with my 3 friends at school to do ginger breads of different shapes, and got to work last Saturday. One of my friends didn't make it there, so I "hired" some help from my little helper Helmi. All of us are doing this voluntarily and we all got a little closer to each others too. I got 2 and half hours Creativity from it and when we finish this on this Sunday I going to mark it as Service since I'm delivering a good message and joy to people all free and just because I wanted to :) I happen to know a family who is not so wealthy so that gave me the idea if giving something material and at the same time share my caring. It is a good deed. I feel I also took me a challenge with this project because, I had never done the dough myself before, so I was really relieved that it was just fine, and tasted good. But also I mean the aspect of amount of the ginger breads I had to do... I counted them in the end, and it added up to 167 ginger breads!!! :D I was exhausted by all the work that night. But now I can say with experience that, it is a hard job to do so many, but after you have done them, there is no one that can doubt your skills on that area. I consider myself ginger bread master now ;)

Learning outcome: Working collaboratively, which in this case meant doing loads and loads of ginger breads and getting them to school together. We bonded and the job was nicer and more quickly done with help. I learned that 1+1=3 this time. :)

I have also taken a lot of pictures of other stuff that I have been doing with my phone and I wanted to share them here. Enjoy!

I made this for my mothers cousins child since he is a newborn baby . Adorable card to a adorable baby eh?! ;)

This is called Muhvi on Finnish and Muff in English. I made it myself since there isn't any in the shops, and because I wanted to have one. 
Decorations are deep down from the essence of me :)

This is Oulus church in a beautifylly sunny/cloudy day. 

From the Inkonnokka beach, Haukipudas

My aunts cat, Pörri <3 This is the best picture I have ever taken!

A small currents playing sound vibrating calmly from the bushes.

Blueberry pie, homemade! My mom made it <3 Omnom.

It's all about the attitude! :)   (Henna-tattoo from Q-stock festival)

Simple meal for breakfest

This was a very warm day, after school had started. Had to take a pic.

Roses in the Oulu streets are beautiful, YOLO exoerience!

She just landed there :)

The colours of the fall

I can imagine crocodiles in here....:D 

Sun was shining to my eyes....XD  Kiiminki-river behind me

I never want to lose this.

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