Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Halloween sweets and salty's!

Hello again! Time flies and keeps teasing me, but now I have finally time to update again! Yey! :D

So, the story behind me baking is that me and my friends decided to throw a Halloween party. First, it was supposed to be potluck, but I decided later that I want to be the host, so it is my duty to make all kinds of delicious deserts. I also had other decorations, but I have lost the pictures :(. 

I must say at this point, that as an introvert I would not have made more friends, deepened my relationship to old ones, or learned to throw parties if I had not gone to IB high school, and weren't "forced" to do creative tasks along with other schoolwork. 

Learning outcome: Increased their awareness of their own strengths and areas for growth: I have increased the awareness of my  baking and photographing strengths and my area of growth is hosting a party.

But, we should not let the lack of pictures ruin the story of the day when I felt awesome.

The day before the party:
 I baked all evening: ham/cheese/onion/pepper/garlic -pies, chocolate cake, aunt Anna's cookies, and chocolate and fudge coated cookie squares. Oh boy, the squares were just melting in my mouth... <3 Guests loved them too!

From 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. on party day:
I cut garbage bags to slices and hooked them above the doors, put my on make-up and costume on. I also decorated the table, made some bool and put an ice "hand" in the bool bowl to get some edginess to it, I could not add alcohol because there were underage people coming to my party. 

From 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.:
 We just had some genuine fun and ate too much, but we didn't care until the next day when nothing seemed to be going down... :D OOPS!

I am adding many posts at once now...  So keep on reading.

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